Transport and Car Parking
How to Get to Mt Hutt
The arrival of colder mornings and of shorter days means winter is nearly here. One of the biggest changes you’ll see at Mt Hutt this winter is the new parking rules on Carpool Priority Days – make sure you read on to find out how you might be affected.
First things first. In partnership with Snowman Shuttles, we are launching a massively subsidised shuttle service from Christchurch and Rolleston. All winter you’ll be able to enjoy stress-free travel that will see you on the snow for 9am at just $30 return. Compare the cruisy 7am departure from the Bus Interchange or 7:30am departure from Rolleston to your current start time. In addition to $$$’s savings, you’ll likely end up with a whole heap more zzz’s ahead of your big day out on our maunga!
On a bluebird day, when the snow is good and/or around holidays, there are invariably more folks heading up to ski and ride so our car parks can fill up quickly. The same happens at ski fields across NZ and around the world. With half of our car parking space located 3km from the base area, the queues for shuttles can get long.
Reducing wait times for shuttles from our lower car parks at peak times was front and centre in our decision to introduce Carpool Priority Days this winter.
Here’s how traffic will be managed on Carpool Priority Days:
- Our access road will open at 6:30am
- Prepare to stop on request at the temporary inspection lanes set up at the Information Booth so our crew can check the occupancy of your vehicle
- Full vehicles will have priority sticker applied to their windscreens
- 2 doors will be deemed full with 2 or more occupants
- 4 doors will be deemed full with 4 or more occupants
- Traffic will merge after the inspection lanes and proceed up the access road to our lower car parks (Rakaia Saddle and Zed Creek)
- Vehicles with priority stickers arriving at our lower car parks will be directed to proceed up to the base area car park
- All other vehicles will be directed to park in a lower car park where our free shuttle buses will be operating
You may choose to park at Information Booth car park, arrange to fill your car there (Ride-share) and then circle back into our inspection lanes to receive a priority sticker before heading up the access road. Ride-share will not be possible from Rakaia Saddle or Zed Creek.
We will be signalling Carpool Priority Days 48 hours in advance on our website so you can plan your travel. Going off prior seasons, we expect 15-20 Carpool Priority Days per season.
If chain fitting is required on all vehicles on a Carpool Priority Day we may advise guests fit chains on the verge of the sealed road before the start of our gravel road. At all times there will be space at the Information Booth for both parking and fitting chains.
Parking FAQs 2024
Why are we doing this?
We’ve listened to your feedback and we are hearing that the early starts are becoming increasingly untenable for many of you.
We know what our capacity is up on the ski area and on our chair lifts and we have no plans to increase this in the immediate future.
Our goal is to fill the mountain – not the car parks! We are also determined to reduce emissions associated with accessing and enjoying recreation on our incredible Maunga.
For more information, please visit our Sustainable slopes page
What have we noticed?
The average occupancy of vehicles parking in our base area car parks is sitting around 2.5. If we can increase this average closer to 4 and continue to use our new drop zone then we expect much shorter wait times on the fewer occasions that we need to shuttle from our lower car parks.
How are we going to achieve this?
At peak times we will only be allowing full vehicles up to the base area car parks. Currently we close the road when the car parks are full. Next season, once we hit our capacity for the ski area (because we will be counting heads rather than cars) we will close the road. This does not happen often – typically around 4 or 5 times a season.
When will it take effect?
This new initiative will only take place when we expect to be busy. This happens around 10-25 days per season – usually at weekends when the weather and snow conditions are really good. We will update our “Car Pool Priority Day” forecast 48hrs before on our snow report to help you plan your travel.
Are we going to run more buses?
Yes! We will be partnering with Snowman shuttles and substantially increasing capacity from Christchurch and Rolleston. For just $30 return, you will be able to book a seat departing at significantly more “civilised” time and have the convenience of guaranteed gear storage in the base area. Timetables will be published closer to the 2024 winter season.
Will you be promoting ride share apps or locations?
We will be establishing additional Ride-share pick-up points and actively promoting the Snow Riders app and Mt Hutt Skifield Ride-share Facebook group.
Does having a full vehicle guarantee me a spot in the base area car parks?
We expect spaces in our base area car parks to remain available much later than we are currently seeing. We cannot guarantee availability if our base area carpark reaches capacity – but our drop zone will still be an available option.
Is there a discount available to Season pass holders?
NZSki will be heavily subsidising the increased bus service options from Christchurch and Rolleston. If required, our shuttle service from our lower car parks will be provided at no cost to guests. We are not planning to charge for car parking or introduce a booking system for our car parks on the mountain.
How will this be enforced?
Staff will filter and direct traffic based on vehicle occupancy at the information booth. We will have car parking staff at the Information Booth at the start of the access road to support Ride-sharing at this location. Additionally, it will be possible to Ride-share and fill your vehicle from the here.
Will there be a bus available from the Information Booth at the base of the access road?
The Information Booth will continue to be available as a pick-up point for all services, including Methven Travel services from both Methven and Christchurch, however we will not be offering a complimentary shuttle from this location – only from our Rakaia Saddle and Zed Creek car parks.
Will there continue to be an option for drivers to drop off passengers and gear and return to the lower car parks for parking?
On Car Pool Priority Days we will operate our drop zone and allowing vehicles with 3 or more occupants to drop gear and passengers at our Base lodge and return to either our Rakaia Saddle or Zed Creek carparks for priority boarding on our shuttle buses to return to the Base Area car park.
Does this also apply to guests coming up for First Tracks?
Yes. Car Pool Priority Days will apply irrespective of First Tracks.
What if I am traveling with an infant or child?
We will prioritise full vehicles, irrespective of the age of vehicle occupants and our staff will be checking vehicles at Rakaia Saddle to determine the number of occupants and directing vehicles accordingly.
What if I want to leave the mountain early?
Subject to demand, there may be earlier departures if you travelled on a bus. Additionally, we will set up a Ride-share pick-up point at the exit of the base area car park.
How am I going to get home if my ride leaves early?
This has happened before. If this happens to you please come up and see our Admin team and they will work out a solution. You won’t need to spend the night up here.
Why is this system being implemented?
We recognise when the mountain is busy, that our guests are guests feel a strong obligation to arrive with us earlier than is necessary in order to access the top car park in order to access the first lift.